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A qualified electronic signature is a universal tool that is the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature. E-signature facilitates the transfer of processes to the online sphere, and also makes it possible to almost completely eliminate paper documents in organisations. A qualified electronic signature is legally equal to a handwritten signature and can therefore be used in business transactions or as a means of evidence. The acceleration of digital processes is making it more and more widely used in all sectors of the economy and in relations with public administration.

A qualified electronic signature is a sequence of characters attached to a document that guarantees that its content has not been altered and that allows the identity of the signatory to be established. E-signature provides electronic documents with a much higher level of security than a paper signature. Any alteration made to the content of the document - even the addition of a single space - will be automatically detected during signature verification and the signature of the document so altered will be invalid.

Companies use electronic signatures to sign civil law agreements, contracts, commercial offers or orders - also in international trade. In contacts with the administration, it is used for signing Social Security [ZUS] declarations, tax settlements in the e-Deklaracje system, exchanging documentation with the CSO (Central Statistical Office), GIIF (General Inspectorate of Financial Information), KRS (National Court Register) or local government bodies.

In addition to qualified signatures, there are also less sophisticated solutions available on the market that allow for 'ordinary' e-signatures. However, it is worth bearing in mind that the authorisation of documents with a non-qualified signature may be insufficient in many situations and the business partner or the authority may refuse to accept documents signed in this way. The law explicitly states which documents require a qualified signature or a Trusted Profile in order to be valid.

The electronic signature makes the entrepreneur's work easier and more efficient, while providing the company with tangible savings. Employees do not spend time printing, sending or archiving documents. Companies are reducing their use of paper and other office supplies. Using e-signature means that documents can be signed from anywhere and anytime, which is a major convenience for the organisation of the company's work.

An electronic signature is a commercial solution provided by certified entities. When purchasing an electronic signature, proof of the owner's identity is a prerequisite. In the case of the standard Szafir signature, identity is confirmed in person during a visit to the RCS - Regional Sales Centre of KIR (link: list) or at the selected Co-operative Bank (link: list). If you want to be able to use an e-signature anywhere and anytime, it is worth considering the purchase of the mSzafir mobile qualified signature, which is a completely virtual tool (no reader or card required, just a smartphone or other device with internet access). The mSzafir variant can be purchased online and identity can be confirmed using your own online banking. The entire purchase process is intuitive and takes a few to several minutes. The mSzafir is automatically linked to a qualified time stamp. It provides a guarantee that the signature was made at the specified time (in the absence of this time marker, the signature is marked with the date and time set on the device used to make the signature, which may differ from the actual one). For the standard version of the Szafir qualified e-signature, this is an additional service.

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